Hi Everyone,
I know, I know, you haven’t heard from me for a long time. Well, I have been soooo busy helping Dad get ready for the camping season. Summer finally arrived, so we have tried to get out of town with the motor home.
I make sure Dad has my toys packed, so I try to help him remember my MOST FAVORITE – my Babble Ball. I’m sure you remember me telling you about it before. It talks to me! The drive-way goes down hill a little, so if I get it started down the drive, I can’t stop it, and I can’t go get it because of the invisible fence across the drive-way! Dad didn’t see it was between the back tires, so when he backed up – CRUNCH. Mom picked up a few pieces of plastic, battery and wires? She wouldn’t let me play with the pieces! Dad felt so bad, he went out the next day and bought me a new one. PAYBACKS??
When we got to the campground and Dad got out of the motor home to look over the parking place, he left me inside – alone. I love to set in the driver’s seat every chance I get, so while I was in the driver’s seat looking out to see where Dad was, I accidentally stepped on the door lock! When he came back to get in I wasn’t going to let him in the driver’s seat. PAYBACKS! Well, I was the one that got fooled, he just went around to the passenger side and opened the door and pushed the unlock button!
Mom and some friends decided to go camping – just “the girls”. I wasn’t invited, but Dad said I should be invited because I am one of “the girls”!! Mom said okay, but just remember – what happens in Buckley (at the KOA) – stays in Buckley?
While at the campground, there was a K-9 Kamp? I have never been to a K-9 Kamp. Misty got to go too, and she really did better on some of the agility ramps than I did. She could run up fast and not stop until she went down the other side. I tried to go up slow, but the cross pieces to keep you from sliding backwards were so far apart I didn’t make it? After a few tries, and several treats, I got the hang of it and nothing could keep me from running up and down everything. I will do anything for liver treats!
I had a great time and “the girls” loved Misty and Me. We got sooo much attention, I hated to come home! The last night it rained really hard, but Mom held me on her lap under an umbrella so we could sit around the campfire?? I won’t say any more – but at least I know enough to come in out of the rain??
Love and Kisses,