Hi Everyone, Its official – I HAVE BEEN FURMINATED! It probably doesn’t sound like very much fun, but it feels good! It’s like a mini spa treatment? Ads for special grooming tools are usually too good to be true, but Mom fell for the ad that showed easy brushing and hair removal for me! It is a Furminator, and it really works! It works like a brush and removes hair, but all you do is push a button and the hair falls off of the teeth when you either get it full or just want to clean it! Dad says cleaning my brush isn’t easy, but cleaning this is easy. I could lay back and enjoy being brushed for a LONG time, but for some reason Mom and Dad want to quit before I’m ready to have them quit? Misty came to stay with me for a whole day! We played so much, we hardly had time for a nap. Pepper was here also, so Misty got to meet her. Mom took us for a walk so Misty could meet some of my friends in the neighborhood, but no one was home except Molly. (The Cavalier that lives around the corner.) Molly just got home fromFlorida. She has been gone since Thanksgiving! When she saw Misty with me she thought I was Misty? I was Misty’s size the last time she saw me, she didn’t know I was a big girl now. I need to play with Molly more – she put on a few pounds over the winter. Her Mom says she doesn’t eat any more dog food than I do – so it must be the potato chips and snacks she eats? I finally found out why I was spending weeks and months going to Day Care so Dad could study and have meetings with Pastor. He was elected, ordained and installed a Ruling Elder of the Church. (I didn’t get to go to that either!) I’m very proud of him for becoming an Elder, so now I understand why he didn’t have as much time for me when he was studying!4-29 Love and Puppy Kisses, Ruby ….to view more of Ruby’s Journal… click “FILED UNDER: RUBY’S JOURNAL- below